Shout du 23 janvier 2009 11:47

  • /media/CACHE/images/avatars/2012/12/solidus/378d0577510d7c2ac572359664286253.jpg
    Solidus 23 jan. 2009 Le nouveau Isis s'intitulera Wavering Radiant et sortira le 5 mai chez Ipecac. Le vynil version limitée sortira le 21 avril et Adam Jones de Tool a posé sa griffe sur deux morceaux.

    Neurot Recordings have confirmed that Scott Kelly and Steve Von Till are working on new Neurosis material, the follow-up to 2007`s mammoth Given To the Rising. No word on when that material will surface, but with a little luck, maybe we`ll see it in Neurot`s 10th anniversary year (2009).